August 2023 Today, we held our first ‚Lights out!‘ (‚Licht aus!‘) day, and what an exciting day it was!
We have been talking about saving electricity in the Kita for the past few months, and had even instigated a light monitor (‚Lichtwächter‘) role that different kids could be every day. However, we soon realised that it was not a concept that was easily understood by everyone. So how could we make it more relatable?
We all decided to turn the lights off completely for a day. The kids were very excited about the idea of being able to bring flashlights, what we were going to eat and how we would go to the toilet without lights! We made a list of possible foods we could serve without a stove or oven, like cucumbersalad or bread, before deciding to make a vegetable soup over a fire.
We went shopping the day before to get ingredients, like carrots, celery and onions. We spent the afternoon peeling and chopping them before setting them aside for the next day. And then…
It was dark when the kids came into Kita the next morning! We had lit candles all over, especially in rooms without windows, like the bathrooms. It was very cozy and only a little bit scary. The flashlights helped though.
Little things became apparent:
Lene: ‚Das Babyphone ging nicht und es war dunkler als sonst‘
Mina: ‚Die Handtuchhalter gingen nicht und im Mitarbeiterraum funktionierte auch nichts‘
After morning circle, we tried to start a fire to cook the soup and collected everything we needed to do so. What did we need?
Casper: ‚Holz, Papier, Streichhölzer‘
The kids went to find the ingredients for the fire and off we went! They were so experienced that it only took one match to get the fire going – well done!
Then came all the ingredients and utensils for the soup. We collected water from the water pump to put in the pot and waited for it to boil. It was a true test of patience but we got through it!
We had gotten wieners and buns as well, and on this cold and wet summer day, a warm bowl of soup with rice was the perfect thing.
What did the kids like most of all?
Oumar: ‚Die Taschenlampen!‘
Luka: ‚Draußen essen!‘
Ava: ‚Die Kerzen!‘
We got through the day without electricity with only minor inconvenience. This way, saving electricity is even fun – but above all, we all experienced what we actually use electricity for in our everyday lives.